The invisible hand is a sculptural installation that wall-mounts domed mirrors to spell out the phrase “the invisible hand” in braille. Based on Adam Smith’s writing in The Wealth of Nations (1776), this work questions the perception that the conditions of a free-market economy (ie. one without controls) is unbiased and “blind.” In this work, Hirsch juxtaposes the idea of the “blindness” of capitalism, with the technologies of seeing and surveillance (the domed mirror) and communication for the visually impaired (braille) to play with and challenge the various systems of self-regulation and control in everyday society.
Client:Antonia Hirsch, the invisible hand (after Adam Smith), 2009. 360-degree surveillance mirrors, fasteners. W 1047cm x H 511cm x D 11.5cm. Photograph by Rachel Topham, Vancouver Art Gallery. Image courtesy of the artist. © Antonia Hirsch.
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